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Monday, October 15, 2012



Nowadays, environmental problems are getting worse and worse, it is an international problem. There are many different environment problems, for example: deforestation, bowel movements increases acid, increase in carbon dioxide emissions, destruction of the ozone layer, abuse of pesticides comings and other substances-toxic, destruction of tropical forests and Virgin Lands, drinking water shortage, nuclear waste...


Deforestation is the process of disappearance of the forests, primarily caused by human activity. It is directly caused by the action of man over nature, mainly due to logging carried out by the timber industry, as well as to obtain land for agricultural crops.

Deforestation in the best of cases is a set of trees placed according to a separation set artificially, among which there is a herbaceous or shrubby vegetation that does not usually occur in the forest. In the worst cases, non-indigenous trees that sometimes damage the substrate, as in many plantations of pine, spruce or eucalyptus are planted.

And the worst of all is much worse than those things and both may occur, but worst of all is that the improvement of this forestation is in our hands,so we have to do something in order to improve things.

Bowel movements increases acid
Acid precipitation, also associated with the use of fossil fuels, has its cause in the emission of sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen for thermal power stations and motor vehicles exhausts. These products interact with the light of the Sun and the humidity of the atmosphere producing sulphuric and nitric, acids that are transported by atmospheric circulation and fall to Earth, dragged by rain and snow in the so-called acid rain, which has become a major global problem. The acidity of some rainfall in Northern Europe and United States is equivalent to the vinegar. Acid rain corrodes metals, wears the buildings and monuments of stone, harms and kills the vegetation and lakes, streams and soils and both things acidifies more…

So, instead of using so many toxic materials to the environment, we could use another type of material or use this but with less frequent use and with more awareness

Bestruction of the ozone layer

On the other hand, we have the problem of the ozone layer: the ozone layer is a region of the atmosphere that protects the planet from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays at high altitudes. If there were no such gaseous layer, which lies about 40 km of altitude above the sea level, life would be impossible on our planet. In the decades of 1970s and 1980s was found that human activity was having a negative impact on the thickness of the layer. The existence of a large hole centred over Antarctica was discovered in 1985. The studies showed that the layer was being affected by the increasing use of chlorofluorocarbons

I believe that this is the biggest problem of all the problems of the environment, because as I mentioned before, if ozone was destroyed, life would be impossible and would be the end of existence human and vegetarian existent, for these reasons is very important to care for the environment, because the future depends on us, and no more.
The hole in the ozone layer

      The deforestation

Monday, October 1, 2012



Hello guys, I'm Julen Irazusta, a student of Laskorain Ikaslota DBH4, and we are explaining the advantages and disadvantages of Tuenti, Facebook... 

First, even if it is true that many unknown people can view your profile or you personal photos and that your personal information is in the web, in the settings you can put who can see your photos and who can't, so only your friends can see your profile.

On the one hand, people say that people can download your photos, damage your image... but these things doesn't true because you choose that people can comment on your photos or not.

On the other hand, Tuenti although have saved your information in the web, but you can don't put some settings, for example as were you live, you number of telephone...

So, I recommended that you've got a      Tuenti as long as you don't put or don't published your personal information.